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lima baris bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "lima baris"
  • lima:    five; cinque; v; quintet; phoebe; quintuplet;
  • baris:    the line; line (text file); line; sequence;
  • baris:    the line; line (text file); line; sequence; verse; verse line; line of business; alignment; run; line up; single file; row; product line; rank; queue; line of products; business line; bank; line of
  • lima:    five; cinque; v; quintet; phoebe; quintuplet; little phoebe; fin; pentad; 5; fivesome; quint; lima; capital of peru
  • lima-:    penta-
  • baris (puisi):    line (poetry)
  • baris berita:    news ticker
  • baris depan:    front row
  • baris manco:    barış manço
  • baris persen:    percentage bar
  • beberapa baris:    trivial lines
  • dua baris:    two row
  • empat baris:    four rows
  • enam baris:    six rows
  • iklan baris:    classified advertising; classified ad; small ads; want ad; classified; classified advertisement
  • It's only five numbers, for Pete's sake.
    kodenya hanya lima baris, ya ampun.
  • You're going down five rows and left.
    Kau berjalan lima baris ke kiri.
  • Tablet-letter 367 is an undamaged, twenty-five line letter.
    Surat-batu peringatan 367 tidak rusak, surat yang berisi dua puluh lima baris.
  • Five rows of dagger-like teeth and jaws... that can bend steel.
    Lima baris gigi tajam dan rahang yang bisa mengbengkokkan baja.
  • Electric heating type Power source Three-phase five-line 36kw
    Jenis pemanas listrik Sumber daya Tiga fase lima baris 36kw
  • It ignores the first five lines in your csv file.
    Ini mengabaikan lima baris pertama dalam file csv Anda.
  • Power supply Three phase five lines, 380V±10%, 50Hz
    Sumber Daya listrik Tiga fase lima baris, 380V ± 10%, 50Hz
  • China Five Rows Corn Combine Harvester,Self-Propelled Combine Picker,Self-Propelled Corn Picker Factory
    Cina Lima Baris Jagung Combine Harvester, Self-Propelled Combine Picker, Self-Propelled Pabrik Jagung Picker
  • Mather directly quotes Proclus in a five-line quotation about the purposes for reading the Psalms.
    Mather secara langsung mengutip Proklos dalam kutipan lima baris tentang tujuan untuk membaca Mazmur.
  • Power supply Three phase five lines, 380V±10%, 50Hz, confirm with customer again.
    Sumber Daya listrik Tiga fase lima baris, 380V ± 10%, 50Hz, konfirmasikan dengan pelanggan lagi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3